Sunday, March 12, 2017

Let's Do This

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come. Wow, I still can't believe it. Time went by incredibly quickly and to be honest I am a little bit scared. 

Hello everyone, my name is Mariana Ontiveros and this blog will feature all the exciting, nerve-racking, and troublesome moments that I will go through while creating the final project for my AICE Media Studies class. The project will be a film opening of a maximum of two minutes that I am exhilarated for. Working alongside my partner, Vanessa Chiquito, we feel that the best way to organize ourselves and have everything ready in time is by creating a plan that will work for both of us. From the research to the turning in of the project, I believe it is very important that we stick to the plan as much as we can. Of course, there will be problems that will cause us to change certain elements of the plan but I am completely fine with that.

The Plan

To begin with, I have learned that to succeed at making an interesting film opening, enormous amounts of research must be completed. Going from an extremely broad context and narrowing it down can sometimes be challenging but I should accustom myself to it. My plan for this part of the project is to research through different features of a film such as genre, target audience, and topic.

After searching for a specific genre and target audience, I will start to build up a story and begin to think about the how and where we would record it. This part of the project is extremely important because it’s the part where we must show what we have learned in the class and how much we know about it. I would like for this section of the project to be done truly well because I want to be proud of it.

The project would not be completed without my opinion and my explanation of all the process I went through. For this section of the project, I will most likely write a script to make a screencast because I think this is the best way for me to express what I feel about the final product and of everything that happened in its making. I will not be calm until the Creative Critical Reflection is completed because it is a prominent component of the whole project.

To be honest, I am truly excited for starting this project so let’s hope for the best!

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